5 Benefits of Planned Home Maintenance

Have you ever ignored a leaky pipe and later faced the wrath of a burst pipe right before a party at your house? Surely, you would have regretted calling it “just a leak.” You never know when a minor maintenance issue can turn into your worst nightmare.

As they say, prevention is better than cure. Planned maintenance to your home is what regular dental checkups are to your teeth. Regular checkups help you diagnose a problem in its early stage, thus saving you from a myriad of problems, including damage to your home and expensive repair or replacement costs.

Here are 5 ways in which planned regular home maintenance can be beneficial for you.

1. Lower Overall Maintenance Costs

The bills you pay to have a big maintenance issue fixed may seem like you’re breaking your bank account with a sledgehammer. However, with planned home maintenance, you can invest small amounts to make minor repairs. It is more cost-effective to treat minor failures and keep your house in top-notch condition than make huge replacements to fix massive malfunctions. Be smart and save some money by lowering overall repair costs!

2. The Longevity of Home Systems

Home components, equipment, and systems that have been maintained regularly have a longer life. Since preventable failures and future repairs have been eliminated, they become energy efficient. Make sure to have your air conditioning system tuned up in the spring before the arrival or warm weather, and do the same for your home’s heating system in the fall before winter arrives. It’s also recommended to have your home’s plumbing system inspected at least every two years.

3. Safety of the House

A home is a place where one feels safest. However, faulty systems and broken components can pose safety and health risks. A spark in your air conditioner or a damaged boiler can turn out to be fatal. Planned maintenance makes your house safer and saves you from numerous hazards like fire and flooding. Don’t let negligence and procrastination get the better of you. Safety comes first!

4. Better Value and Resale Potential of Your House

Outdated and damaged systems can make even a new house look old. The appearance of the house is also a reflection of its owner. When deciding to sell a place, poor maintenance can be a deal-breaker. With planned maintenance, you can maximize the existing value and resale potential of your home.

5. Peace of Mind

The best thing you get out of planned home maintenance is peace of mind. You can get your beauty sleep without having to worry about plumbing, heating, or air conditioning problems. Getting professional help for taking care of your regular maintenance issues can be a major source of relief.

Service Agreements from B&W

One of the best ways to ensure your home receives the routine maintenance it deserves is through an annual service maintenance agreement from B&W. Our service agreements include the following:

  • Fall maintenance heating system check/tune up
  • Spring maintenance cooling system check/tune up
  • 10% discount on plumbing, heating, and cooling repairs
  • Preferred scheduling
  • No overtime fees, nights or weekends

Contact B&W for Your Home’s Maintenance Needs

The professional HVAC and plumbing experts at B&W care about our community and our customers. That’s why we’re here whenever you need us to provide repair, preventive maintenance or installation services for your heating and cooling and plumbing systems. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment for a HVAC, plumbing, air conditioner, electrical inspection, or furnace repair in Indianapolis.